Professor Paul Scuffham
Professor Paul Scuffham (FAAHMS, PhD) is a leading health economist in Australia, Deputy Director of the Menzies Health Institute Queensland, and Director of the Centre for Applied Health Economics at Griffith University, and is a NHMRC Senior Research Fellow.
He has published more than 250 original research articles in peer reviewed journals, over 100 reports to Governments, was the Co-Editor of Value in Health (2007-13) and is the Associate Editor of Medical Decision Making (2013-present). Paul’s research has focused on the economics of cardiac interventions, telehealth, and health technology assessment (including pharmaceuticals and health services funded by major contracts with the Department of Health) where he has had a substantial impact in translation of research to policy.
He has led key randomised controlled trials (RCTs), including a large trial for Bupa (n>45,000), is leading the evaluation of the $35 million Gold Coast Integrated Care pilot project, and led an evaluation of a NBN demonstration project in diabetes. Paul is a Chief Investigator on a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Program Grant investigating nurse-led interventions in cardiac disease management, involving 9 RCTs, where he is responsible for the economic evaluations. He has identified effective interventions that show good value for money across numerous fields.